Speaking of Interpreting

Speaking of Interpreting

Eve and Corinne interview InterpretAmerica co-Presidents Barry Slaughter Olsen and Katharine Allen (aired live on March 12, 2014)

Speaking of Translation travels across the aisle to speak about interpreting, with two of the most dynamic people in the business. InterpretAmerica Co-Presidents Katharine Allen and Barry Slaughter Olsen discuss the current state of interpreting in the US, what lies ahead, what translators and interpreters can learn from each other, and what a new interpreter needs to do to succeed in the business.

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Speaking of Interpreting

3 responses to “Speaking of Interpreting

  1. Very nice! Awesome to hear about their demands increasing and them finally going Global! She’s very right when she says people just want it translated rather than the if/how questions. People just naturally think we know how to do everything, but it’s not ALWAYS like that. Thank you for posting this recording and it’s very educational about the interpreting processes!

  2. Excellent! Thank you for making this podcast available and posting it in Linkedin where a great number of interpreters (hopefully) will access it.

  3. Very interesting discussion. I am a certified translator English x Portuguese living in Brazil and also eventually work as an interpreter. The interpretation market in Brazil is still very much face to face – both for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, but Barry’s comments relative the trends and new platforms (and their challenges for interpreters) was quite fascinating.
    Thanks! Maura Spielmann

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